Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Wider Bridge: An Open Letter of Support from MK Nitzan Horowitz


April 2010

A Wider Bridge initiative: Open Letter of support by Member of the Knesset Nitzan Horowitz

Member of the Knesset (MK) Nitzan Horowitz is delighted to publicize his support of "A Wider Bridge" initiative.

This enterprise, aside from encouraging Jews to become more involved in Israeli public life, will serve as a bridge to enhance pluralism, encourage the exchange of ideas and advance LGBTQ rights in both the Jewish world and Israel.

"A Wider Bridge" will promote discussion about how we would like to see the Jewish world in the upcoming decades, with the focus on supporting Israel as a democratic Jewish nation, as stated in the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Both these components – Jewish and democratic – are the essential building blocks of the state of Israel; one cannot be separated from the other. Democracy guarantees freedom, justice, equality and political and civil rights to all inhabitants, whether Jewish or Arab, religious or secular, gay or straight. Being a Jewish state, the national homeland of the Jewish people, should never exclude or discriminate the non-Jewish groups living in Israel.

A Jewish state must be tolerant, enlightened and humanistic. This is, in my eyes, the true definition of being Jewish. As a Jewish nation, Israel must become the beacon of human solidarity and social justice. Unfortunately this is not the current shape of things.

I am convinced that "A Wider Bridge" will help Jews around the world to better understand where Israel stands in the fight for strengthening human rights for all, and how we strive to eradicate bigotry and hatred. We need the help of progressive minded people all over the world, and especially within the American Jewish community, in order to make our beloved Israel a true "or la'goyim" (light unto the nations), in the form of strong social solidarity for Tikkun Olam, not only for Jews but for everybody, for a better and sustainable world.

Steps such as expanding the relationship between the Jewish world and Israel and efforts to eliminate apathy or indifference by education, travel and social programs, are more than welcome and have my full support.

MK Nitzan Horowitz

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